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British Baby Names

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Most popular baby names in the UK for 2022

UK Baby Names

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Welcome, the UK's most popular baby name website! We have thousands of baby boy and baby girl names, complete with origins and meanings.

Looking for something a little more specific? If you have a particular letter you want your baby’s name to start with or if you have a few particular names in mind, check out the Popular baby name search below to learn more about the meaning or origin or take a look at the boy Baby Names in Alphabetical order or girl Baby Names in Alphabetical order and see if your choices have made the list.

UK Popular baby Boy Names

British Baby Boy NameOriginMeanings
George Greek Farmer. In medieval legen ...,earthworker
Noah Biblical rest, peace
Jack English God is gracious
Archie German Brave, Genuine,Archer Or Truly Bold
Alexander one who assists men
Harry German home ruler, power, ruler
Henry German house ruler
Oliver Latin ancestor's descendants
Oscar Irish spear of the gods, or deer-lover or champion warrior
Freddie German peaceful ruler
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British boy Baby Names in Alphabetical order

UK Popular baby Girl Names

British Baby Girl NameOriginMeanings
Olivia Latin ‘Olive branch’,Olivia Kate Cooke (born December 27, 1993) is an English actress
Felicity ‘Happiness’ or ‘good fortune’; Felicity Rose Hadley Jones (born 17 October 1983) is an English actress
Alice ‘Noble’ or ‘Of nobility’ . Allie is a commonly-used nickname for Alice. Another version of this name is Allison.;Alice Eve is a British actress
Amelia Latin Striving/Industrious, ‘Defender’
Ava Spanish ‘Bird’ or ‘the living one’ or ‘life’. It may also be spelt as Eva.
Isabella ‘Devoted to God’ or someone who is pious
Daisy ‘Day’s eye’ or ‘the daisy flower’;Daisy Jazz Isobel Ridley is an English actress
Willow Old English ‘Slender’
Charlotte French vigorous / free man or petite
Ivy English ‘Faithful’
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British girl Baby Names in Alphabetical order

British baby Names


Find some beautiful baby names

Abraham, Albert, Alfie, Alfred, Archie, Archibald, Arthur, Benedict, Cecil, Charles, Charlie, Edward, Edwin, Eric, Ernest, Ezra, Frank, Freddie, Frederick, George, Henry, Jack, Oliver, Reggie, Reginald, Stanley, Ted, Winston.

Ada, Agnes, Alice, Amelia, Audra, Audrey, Ava, Beatrice, Bessie, Blanche, Cicely, Cora, Cordelia, Dinah, Dora, Dorothea, Dorothy, Harriet, Edith, Elise, Elsie, Elspeth, Emily, Emmeline, Esme, Eva, Evelyn, Evie, Flora, Florence, Greta, Gretchen, Harriet, Hattie, Irene, Iris, Ivy, Lena, Lilith, Lillian, Mabel, Maisie, Maggie, Margaret, Martha, Mary, Matilda, May, Millicent, Millie, Meredith, Myrtle, Nell, Nellie, Nora, Olive, Pearl, Rosaline, Rosalie, Rose, Winifred.