
American Boy Baby Names starting with 'Ber'


Starting With "Be"

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BercleahLives at the Birch Tree Meadow
BeresfordFord Where Barley Grows
BeretunFrom the Barley Farm
BerfordFrom the Barley Ford
BericGrain Farm
BerkFrom the Birch Tree Meadow; Place Name; Where Birches Grow; From the Fortified Settlement; Solid; Firm; Strong
BerkeleyFrom the Birch Tree Meadow; Place Name; Where Birches Grow
BerkleyFrom the Birch Tree Meadow; Place Name; Where Birches Grow
BertinBright; Industrious
BertonFrom the Fortified Town; Place Name; Bright Settlement; Glorious Ruler; Bright Raven
BertrandIntelligent; Glorious Raven; Introduced to Britain During the Norman Conquest; Bright Shield; Wise Person
BerwickFrom the Barley Grange
BerwykFrom the Barley Grange